Our 18TO wolf pup had no divider or any type of privacy curtain to separate the Master bed from the other three beds. This was almost a deal breaker for us. As much as we love our grandkids and love taking them camping with us, we really wanted our privacy at night too.
I remember asking the dealership if there was an option, to see if we could order one or have something installed and after he checked with the parts department, he said no there wasn’t. He suggested a shower curtain rod or something.
A week after bringing our pup home, I was in the emergency room for something and I noticed the room dividers that they used and I told Lamanda, that would be perfect for our camper, so after doing some google searching and Amazon searching I found what I was looking for.
Amazon sold a room divider kit in many different sizes. One kit went up to six feet and another said from six feet to twelve feet. Wouldn’t you know it, the pup was more than six feet across. So we bought the six to twelve kit. (See the link below) After we ordered our kit, we reached out to a local crafting company (https://www.facebook.com/The-Crafty-Sisters-646412162532706/) and asked if they could make us a custom curtain. Our curtain arrived shortly after receiving and mounting our divider track.

You must use extreme care when custom cutting the short piece of track so the edges look clean and neat. You must also be very cautious that you are attaching the track directly under a ceiling framing member. Our wolf pup had one in the perfect vicinity, which is not normal with these things, but I secured it with 1 1/4″ screws and made a solid connection.
After hanging the curtain up, I have to admit this was not only a practical and much needed mod, but it also turned out to look professionally done and another mod to be proud of.
Please click the link below to see the exact room divider that we used and note that this is an affiliate link. All that means is that if you order it from Amazon by clicking on my link, I will receive a small commission. So, if this post helped you at all, I would appreciate it very much if you use my link to make your purchase. It doesn’t cost you anymore, the commission is paid by Amazon.